
We help you unlock an innovation mindset that you can apply in both your personal and professional.
Boost your creativity, innovative thinking, and idea generation with courses guided by ITG's expert Facilitators.

Innovation Fundamentals

This comprehensive course expands your creativity, open- mindedness, and teaches you how to become a better idea generator and developer.
This course contains six units which are also available individually below. For the best viewing experience, we recommend going in order.
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Courses in the Innovation Fundamentals Series:

The 4 Elements of
Discover the Elements of Creativity that are key to innovative thinking.

ITG's Forness®
A  tool to help you and your team manage Negativity Bias and stay in a productive and generative state of mind.
The Creative Problem Solving Process
An overview of the process that we use every day to go from generating a wide range of ideas to developing the few that are most promising.
Opportunity Spaces
In this series, you will learn how to identify and articulate opportunity areas that inspire new thinking and spark innovation.

Idea Generation
Master creative exercises you can implement in any ideation session to generate MORE ideas in NEW spaces.

Discover how you can efficiently go from hundreds of idea building blocks to a set of final and polished BIG ideas.

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